Knowing the Signs of Diabetes in Men will Prevent Further Risks
Diabetes is a troublesome disease that really affects the body function. In the past, diabetes was considered as men’s health problem. But as time passes by and technology develops, it turns out that women can also suffer from this kind of disease. What’s more sad is that the number of women diabetes patients is increasing from time to time. The signs of diabetes in men may not be too much different from the signs found in women, but there’re several signs of diabetes in men that can only happen to men; not women. That’s why we need to learn and understand further about the disease.
Signs of Diabetes in Men: Understanding the Cause and the Types
Diabetes is a disease where the body can’t function normally and properly. There’s too high glucose – or blood sugar – level within the body. It happens because of several things. First, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin that can’t handle the high insulin issue. Second, the body experiences malfunction problem so it can’t produce any insulin at all. That’s why the problem persists and happens.Men can always suspect the signs of diabetes in men if they suspect their medical condition. Diabetes happens because the body can’t make use of the glucose level. When they consume food, the food will be broken down into glucose that will be delivered into the whole body. With the help of insulin, the glucose will be turned into energy. However, when the insulin doesn’t work properly, this glucose can’t be turned into anything and that’s when the whole problem starts. There are three basic types of diabetes issue.
• The diabetes type 1, which is also called as insulin dependant diabetes. This diabetes happens mostly because of genetics and hereditary traits. The main problem is that the body doesn’t produce any insulin at all. This can happen because the body own immunity system has destroyed the beta cells located in the pancreas that is responsible for producing the insulin.

• The diabetes type 2, which is also called as non insulin dependant diabetes. Although the patients may have diabetes genetics and history, the main cause of this disease mostly happens because of wrong and unhealthy life style. If people have excessive weight, high level of blood pressure, and inactive life style, they have bigger risks of developing diabetes.
Everything can get worse if they also smoke and don’t have enough resting time. This disease is often called as middle aged diabetes or elderly diabetes because the symptoms are visible or coming to the surface after the patients reach middle age level. The only way to treat the problem is through life style changes. The patents need to change their life style, diet method, and activities. If the problem is quite severe, they may have to get insulin injection treatment.
• The gestational diabetes or the carbohydrate intolerance, which usually happens to pregnant women because of hormonal changes. The problem will go away once these women deliver babies. However, if the issue isn’t treated properly, these women may develop diabetes symptoms and the babies may suffer from obesity and diabetes.
Special Signs of Diabetes in Men
When men want to suspect their own health condition, there’re several visible signs of diabetes in men, such as:• Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
• Constant tiredness or fatigue that won’t go away although they may have enough rest.
• Weakness
• Blurry vision
• Skin infection
• Numbness around the feet or hand
• Constant hunger or thirst. Also includes constant visit to the bathroom
For men, the most apparent signs of diabetes in men are:

• they suffer from reduced strength because they don’t get enough energy from the calorie’s burning process.
• diabetes can also affect their sexual abilities, making these men suffer from erectile dysfunction.
• they also suffer from muscular pain that mostly happens when they’re exercising or having quite heavy activities.
• since the diabetes affect the body’s immunity system, they will often suffer from infection or other medical issues.
These people should seek medical help immediately as soon as they spot the signs of diabetes in men. Medical treatment should be sought right away so the problem won’t get worse. It’s even better if they’re able to spot the signs of diabetes in men from the very early period. Seeking medical help can be their only chance to survive and stay alive.
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